How does a student qualify for Title 1 services?
As required bt the state of Minnesota, all students are screened to determine which students need additional support. As the year progresses, children may be added to the program based on teacher observations and classroom data.
Additional Qualifiers:
Teacher observation and recommendation
mClass (DIBELS) Reading (This is one of the approved assessments required by the Minnesota Department of Education)
NWEA Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) scores below the 40th percentile Reading & Math (K-2nd Grade)
Renaissance Star Assessments Reading & Math (3rd Grade)
Bridges Math Assessments
Any student with qualifying scores in two or more of these areas may be eligible for Title 1 services.
How long does my child remain in Title 1?
Title 1 is a very fluid and flexible program. Students are served as long as needed and may exit the program at any time. The classroom teacher and Title 1 staff communicate frequently about academic progress and decisions are made based on performance. Typically, students are exited at the end of a school year after final report cards and assessments have been completed and goals have been reached.
What does a typical Title 1 experience look like?
In the public schools, a highly qualified teacher or paraprofessional may assist your child. Depending on need, your child may be seen individually or in a small group. Title 1 staff often bring reading and math students to another setting where resources are readily available and distractions are eliminated. Paraprofessionals often work with children in the classroom or in a connected workspace. Students are usually scheduled in 20-30 minute blocks of time. Non-public schools are served by a licensed teacher in a designated Title 1 room.
Reading interventions have a licensed teacher and Math interventions have a qualified paraeducator.
What rights are granted to parents under Every Student Succeeds Act? (ESSA)
Under ESSA, parents have the right to be involved with their child's education. This means parents have the right to attend school events, parent/teacher conferences, and parent involvement activities. They have the right to visit the classroom and to volunteer. And they have the right to be a part of a committee, such as the Parent Advisory Committee for Title 1. This 'right' means that parents cannot be denied the opportunity to participate because of barriers that might prevent participation. If transportation is a problem, parents need to work with the schools to find a solution to remove that barrier allowing parents to attend events.
Parents have the right to know if their child's teacher is properly licensed. This can be easily accessed at Minnesota Educator License Lookup
What is the importance of parental involvement?
Research strongly and clearly shows that parent involvement is the key to a child's success. Children with involved parents earn higher grades, have better test scores, and are more apt to graduate and go on to college or tech school. These children have better school attendance, self-esteem, social skills, behavior, and attitudes.
What is the PAC?
PAC stands for Parent Advisory Committee. It is a small group of parents who are willing to work with the Title 1 Director to plan activities for the year. It consists of two meetings, a fall meeting to review programming and a spring meeting to evaluate the success of the parent involvement activities and make recommendations for the next year.
What programs or curriculums are Being Used for Title 1 instruction?
For reading, the Title 1 staff are currently utilizing the University of Florida Literacy Institute Foundations (UFLI) and Heggarty, to make connections to what is being taught in the regular classroom setting. The Title 1 staff for Mth Intervention are using the Bridges Intervention curriculum. This math curriculum complements the Bridges Math instruction used in the regular classroom.